Selected Solo Exhibitions
2013 • Lake George Arts Project, Lake George, New York
2010 • Natura, The Arts Center, Saratoga County Arts Council, Saratoga Springs, New York
2008 • Terminal A Gallery, curated by Sharon Bates, Albany International Airport, Albany, New York
2001 • Recent Work, curated by Rebecca Shepard, President’s Gallery, Arts Center for the Capital
Region, Troy, New York
1984 • MA Thesis Exhibition (College of St Rose), Albany Center Galleries, Albany, New York
1982 • Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, New York
1980 • State University at Oneonta, Oneonta, New York
• Rensselaer County Council for the Arts, Troy, New York
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 • Refract, Albany Center Gallery, Albany, New York
2021 •What We were Looking at, Teaching Gallery, Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, New York
• Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region, Albany Airport Gallery, Albany, New York
Also 2014, 2011, 2010, 2007 (Juror’s Award), 1999, 1992 (UAlbany Purchase Award), 1989, 1986, 1981, 1980, 1978.
2020 • Indelible: Works in Ink from Pierogi Gallery and Flat Files, Schick Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York
2016 • Reclamation, curated by Ian Berry, Collar Works Gallery, Troy, New York
2009 • Assiduity, Albany Center Gallery, Albany, New York
2008 • Complex and Compelling - Mohawk-Hudson Regional Invitational Exhibition, Albany Center Gallery, Albany, New York
2007 • Pierogi Flatfiles, Pierogi 2000, Brooklyn, New York
• Infinite Images: Technologies of Printmaking and Beyond, Mandeville Gallery, Union College, Schenectady, New York
2006 • Women Artists, Riverfront Studios, Schuylerville, New York
2004 • On the Verge, theme portfolio presentation at Southern Graphic Conference Center for Innovative Prints, Rutgers University,
New Brunswick, New Jersey
2003 • Alumni Exhibit at the Tang, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York
2002 • The Journey, curated by Janis Keene Dorgan, Rice Gallery, Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, New York
• Miniprint Finland 2001, Lahden Taidemuseo, Lahti, Finland. (Honorable Mention Award)
2001 • Albany to Wexford, Prints of Six Upstate New York Artists, curated by Willie Marlowe, The Print Gallery, Wexford Arts Center,
Wexford, Ireland
1999 • Under Pressure, 10 Printmakers, Union College, Schenectady, New York
• MFA Thesis Exhibition, University Art Museum, University at Albany, New York
1998 • Print Biennial, Hand Workshop Art Center, Richmond, Virginia
• Non-Toxic 2000 Print Show, Artspace, Richmond, Virginia
1997 • Clemson National Print & Drawing Exhibition, Lee Gallery, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
• Delta National Small Prints Exhibit, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas
• Printworks 1997, Barrett House Galleries, Poughkeepsie, New York
1994 • Collaboration, Rice Gallery, Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, New York, drawings and paintings made in collaboration
with artist Laura Mandelson
1993 • Habitats & Shelters, curated by Ken Johnson, Schat Fine Art Gallery, Sage Colleges, Troy, New York
• Selected Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Regional, Albany Center Galleries, Albany, New York
2022 Rogowicz, Matt. "Discover the Amazing Patterns of Artist Naomi Lewis." AHA! A House for Arts, PBS Network, Albany, NY, television Interview, Season 8, Episode 14, December 14, 2022.
2014 Griffin, Amy: “Regional Images.” Times Union, Unwind, November 9, 2014.
Bjornland, Karen: “Color, shapes, patterns define the Regional.” Daily Gazette, October 23, 2014.
2013 _____: “Naomi Lewis.” Metroland, November 13, 2013 (image).
2010 Brickman, David: “‘Natura’ at Saratoga Arts.” get visual,
http://dbgetvisual.blogspot.com/, April 21, 2010, (image).
Gruse, Doug: “Objects of Obsession.” Post Star, April 20, 2010.
Kane, Tim: “Old Friends: Well-known artists the highlight of this year’s uneven Mohawk-Hudson Regional.” Times Union,
October 31, 2010, p. 12.
2009 Kane, Tim: “400 Years of Art Fill ‘Assiduity’". Times Union, Preview, September 10, 2009
2008 Wasserman, Nadine: “Layers of Understanding,” Metroland, May 22, 2008.
2007 Douglas, Leah: 2007 Artists of the Mohawk Hudson Region, catalogue essay, 2007 (image).
2010 & 2004 Artist Residency - Millay Colony for the Arts, Austerlitz, New York
2008 &1994 Special Opportunity Stipend - Individual artist funding from New York Foundation for the Arts
2003 - 2021 Exhibition & Outreach Coordinator, University Art Museum, University at Albany, SUNY -
Responsible for coordinating the museum’s workflow in relation to exhibition production,
installation, and de-installation; handling text and images for all museum publications and
media-related materials; acting as liaison to new and returning groups who visit the museum;
distributing and preparing print and electronic media press for exhibitions and special programs;
and pursuing grant and funding opportunities for the museum.
1983 - 2002 Instructor, Printmaking - College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York; University at Albany, Albany, New York
2016 Juror, National Association of Women Artists, Crossing Boundaries, West Palm Beach, Florida
2014 Exhibition Selection Committee, Lake George Arts Project, Lake George, New York
1999 M.F.A. - University at Albany, State University of New York. Printmaking
1973 B.S. - Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York. Studio Art